Product Context & Strategy Canvases
Tools to help you deliver your Product Strategies
Creating product strategies requires thoughtful consideration and working through a number of topics that together form your strategy.
The Product Context and Strategy Canvases have been designed to guide you through the process of creating a new product, making a stepped change to an existing product or managing an existing product. It asks questions, helps you capture the answers and ultimately, leads to clear and focused product strategies.
Download and use the Product Context and Strategy Canvases – they are free to use.
Product Context Canvas – download
Read my blog that provides some additional insights into using the Product Context Canvas.
Product Strategy Canvas – download
Read my blog that provides some additional insights into using the Product Strategy Canvas.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like help use either canvas.
Want to know more? Let’s Talk
Get in touch and let’s see how together we can create executable product strategies.
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